“Humor heightens our sense of survival and preserves our sanity.”
– Charlie Chaplin
Hi, I’m CB, which is what my friends have called me my entire life. I’ve been an actor for 40 years and a traveler for life, mostly through tour guiding. Everyday people are all of us, and food and family, to me, are the centers of life. I would like to share with you the travels and the people and the food I have been so blessed to experience and the tips and tricks I’ve learned that make traveling a life changer.
Latest Blogs
Blogs entries every week on everything from travel to food to living in Southern California.
Everyday People
This Weeks EP!
Gayle W!
Everyday People Weekly
Everyday people are all of us. The idea is that you can go anywhere and ask anyone that you meet the same basic questions and be fascinated by the differences in answers, but often with common themes.
Around the world we may grow up different but we all share so much in common. Each week, a new ‘Everyday Person’ will be featured with their full names protected for privacy purposes. Click on the photo to read their responses.
Upcoming EP’s
My Life as an Actor
My Life as an Actor
I’ve spent 40 years attempting to fulfill my dream.To be an actor and make people.
Volunteering and the Westside Food Bank
Volunteering has changed my life in so many ways. I feel like I’ve been blessed many more times than I’ve been a blessing through volunteering. Starting with 1 hour a week at the food bank 19 years ago, now they are family. I encourage all to find an opportunity.